Thursday, December 12, 2013

Two Nights

A couple of nights ago, I dreamt that my Uncle Mike was a psychologist. John and I had been travelling around Maine, when I found out that he had been going to friends' houses while he was supposed to be at work. We got into an argument about it. I went to see psychologist Uncle Mike, who, in my dream looked like the camp counselor at my real life job. He was walking around aimlessly when I got there, and I asked him if he was okay, if he was still counselling. He said yet, and we went into his office. Then he said that he did everything with the aid of hydrocodone now. I asked him for some and he took down a jar from a shelf and opened it. There was all kinds of candy inside. That's about all I remember.

Last night, I dreamt that a guy at work got fired. He left everything at his desk. They were talking about throwing everything away, including a backpack that he left there. I grabbed the backpack and stuck it under my desk. A letter fell out. I read it. Apparently his wife and kids back in Arizona had been hanged from a clothes line. I could see them hanging. It was tragic. I tried to find him to return his backpack but I couldn't.

Always with the strange dreams.

Yup. That's right. I have started a Kickstarter project. You can view it here.

Also, you have view my updates on my progress on both the Kickstarter funding as well as my progress in the books on my other blog.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Reading List

Ah, yes. The list.

Dreaming God's Dreams by David Michael Donnangelo

Dreams and Dreaming in the Roman Empire

Sleep & Dreaming by Jacob Empson

Dreamland: Adventures in the Strange Science of Sleep by David K. Randall

The Dream Book by Gillian Kemp

Sleep Paralyis by Michael Beloved

Communing With the Gods: Consciousness, Culture, and the Dreaming Brain by Charles D. Laughlin, PH.D.

Private Myths: Dreams and Dreaming by Anthony Stevens

Dreaming Souls: Sleep, Dreams, and the Evolutions of the Conscious Mind by Owen Flanagan

Dreaming Beyond Death by Bulkeley

Dreams by Bulkeley

Understanding Sleep and Dreaming by William H. Moorcraft

The Human Brain Book

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Runes and Whispers

My dreams have been erratic lately. Sometimes I have nightmares that I wish I couldn't remember. Like I dreamt that I had asked John about dinner and he punched me. Twice. Dreams like this make me think that they have absolutely nothing to do with reality because John has never and would never punch me. I also dreamt recently that it was pouring outside, the kind of rain that we only see in five minute spurts once in a blue moon here in San Antonio. John and Arthur were outside, and I was going to call them inside, and when I got near the door, I realized that we had a leak in our roof right by the door, and I had a little tupperware bowl there to catch the rain in. There was a woman, also, outside. She was whispering to runes the names of people and they were telling her their futures. I had a handle on what I dreamt last night, but I have since lost it.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Wires, Grapes, and a Punch

I've had some strange dreams here, lately.
Oh, wait....

A couple of days ago I had really weird one, though, really. Even for me. I dreamt a really skinny hispanic male with long, dirty hair knocked on my door. I thought it was going to be Dave to speak with John, but it was that kid. He had 15 wires in little black cases like knife cases that apparently I had ordered for $15. I told him to come back in 2 weeks and I'd give him $5 more.
He left and I turned around to show John but he had gone outside and Mom was standing there instead. She said something about moving our grapes from under her table and sure enough...there were red grape vines growing under her table...

This morning, between waking up for Vinny when he was coughing and waking up for JJ when he was coughing...I dreamt that John was getting something out of the refrigerator and I was walking in the kitchen. I made a joke. At first, he laughed, but then he punched me, and held me on the ground with his foot, as I was begging for him not to hurt the baby.
Weird. Especially since John's never laid a hand on me in a violent way.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Stomach Souring Fears

I am pregnant again.This is fantastic. My dreams, however, keep my stress level high as I have had one dream about an abortion and two dreams about miscarriages. It's horrible.

Last night I did have some hypnagogic hallucinations on the cusp of sleep but I cannot recall them. I was intensely tired.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

It's the Sleeping Pills

I can't remember where I bought them, but they were the cheap, gen...oh. Now I do. I bought them at Odd Lots. I know that is not what it is called, but that is what John calls it because he says that the original name is Odd Lots, and now I can't remember the ...
Big Lots.

I swear I am losing my ever-loving mind.

So, this was a doozy.

It started out in a swimming pool. I was swimming somewhere with my team from work, apparently we had all gone on a field trip or something. In the water, I saw an old team member that had quit. He was...angry or something. When I got out of the pool or wherever we all were, he was yelling at some girl with straight mouse-brown witha hint of red hair, I guess she was his girlfriend. I got between them and told him to calm down. We left and went somewhere, to pick up food for the team or something, and on the way back he was driving insane. Literally, he was going over 100 miles per hour on the highway, and a cop started following us. Well, he did not want to get caught so he went faster, but I finally convinced him to pull over. Or so I thought.

He drove into a ditch. He was arrested, and the cop took me and a little girl (that appeared out of no where) and was supposed to take us back to where ever the rest of my team was. He also had a little girl in the front of the car. But then we realized he was drinking. We were in the back of the car and therefore could not get out. He was driving erratically. Finally, the girl and I fell asleep. When we woke up, the cop and the other girl were gone, and there was a champaigne glass tipped over on the floorboard in the front where he had been. It was strange, though, the champaigne was still in the glass, even though it was tipped over and cracked.

The girl and I walked to a gas station, and the girl went inside and tried to steal some cigarettes while I was talking to the clerk, but I made her give them back. The cashier was going to call the police but I told her what we'd been through, and she felt bad, so she gave us the cigarettes. Apparently we were a very long way away from both home and where the rest of the team was staying. I was worried because I had books and clothes and jewelry in my locker where we had been staying and the team had likely gone back home at this point, and I was worried because John, Nicholas, Mom and Dad were either very worried or thinking I was never coming back. I was afraid John would leave.

So the cashier takes us out to the parking lot across the street, hands me a set of keys, and points to a really old, really beat up car and tells me to take it. So me and three kids (3 kids now!!) climb into the car, and as I am getting in, I notice a rottweiler chewing on a wrench or something and as I am closing the door, a man walks up with grayish brown skin, a huge nose that is stitched from eye to lip, and he grabbed the door. The whole door came off, and he was holding a scalpel and told me to get out of the car. I was holding out my hand for one of the kids to give me the keys, but none of them moved.

He said that he would let us live if we got out of the car, so I turned the keys (I don't know how they got in the ignition), and we got out of the car. Then he came at me with the scalpel anyway and told me I should not trust people and he was going to slit my neck.

He sliced open my left-hand-in-my-dream and then the next thing me & the kids were in the hospital talking to John on the phone who was crying and said he was coming to get us and why hadn't we called. He showed up with Mom, Dad, and Nicky. The kids and I had all suffered multiple lacerations.

Thing is when I woke up, the same spot on my right hand that had been sliced on my left hand.


Monday, August 15, 2011

I Feel Like a Child

I had a strange dream a while back about the very small wooded plot across the street from my house. I will have to go back and find it so I can post it.

Last night, I had another one.

I dreamt that Mom and Dad had gone somewhere, and when they came back, Dad got out of the car, then Mom hit the gas as hard as she could, and backed up into the wooded area at an incredible speed, hitting the trees and coming to a stop. I screamed and jumped out of the large white truck I was sitting in and ran toward her, thinking she was hurt.

Then I realize she did it just because she was mad at my father. My stomach started hurting, and I stood there, holding my stomach, yelling at Mom for making me get hurt. I think she was going to go after Dad, but when she saw me standing there hurting, she said she was sorry.

There was more to the dream, about John and I in a hotel room.

Which remind me. That dream I had a while back, and I may have to go back through my written journals to find this, about going to Castroville to find John some pickles and stopping at a store I have never seen before...I saw that store in Corpus, but John would not stop. I will have to make a note to stop when we go again in November...

Anyway. Now I feel like a child afraid of a monster in the woods, because I do, I fear that plot of land.